BEST 10 min Lower Abs Workout Routine | Lose Lower Belly Fat

3 min readMar 25, 2024


A Comprehensive Guide to a Lower Abs Workout

Are you ready to sculpt your lower abs and achieve the defined core you’ve always wanted? This comprehensive workout routine will target specifically the lower abdominal area, helping you burn fat and build muscle effectively.

RECOMMEND — Drink THIS Before Bed, Melt Your Belly Fat Like Crazy:

Eleven-Exercise Workout Plan

This workout consists of eleven targeted exercises, each performed for 45 seconds with 10 seconds of rest.

  1. Down-and-Out: Lie on a mat with your back flat. Lift your legs, drop them down, and open them up wide before bringing them back together.
  2. 2. Reverse Crunch: Lift your legs over your head and slowly lower them back down, using your core to control the movement.
  3. 3. Side-to-Side Crunches: Start in a supine position with hands spread out. Use your core to lift your legs and wipe left and right.
  4. 4. Cross Body Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position. Bring your right knee towards your left elbow, then alternate with the other side.
  5. 5. Cycles: Sit on your butt and lean back slightly. Lift your legs and cycle them up and down.
  6. 6. Plank Jacks: Start in a high plank position. Jump your feet out and back together, engaging your core throughout.
  7. 7. In-and-Out Variation: Place a bottle in the center of your legs. Extend your legs out to the side, alternating between left and right.
  8. 8. Reverse Crunch Variation: Lift your legs upwards using your core. Extend one leg out without touching the ground, then alternate.
  9. 9. Plank Hops: Start in a high plank position. Hop your feet in and out, using your abs to absorb the impact.
  10. 10. Bicycle Crunch Variation: Perform a bicycle crunch, but tap your hands towards your opposite foot.
  11. 11. Flutters Variation: Lift your legs off the ground and flutter them up and down. Keep your chest lifted and abs engaged.

Additional Tips and Support

Join the Community: Connect with others pursuing their fitness goals on the author’s website and live-streamed workout sessions.

Follow a Consistent Schedule: Dedicate specific times to this workout to track your progress and see results.

Listen to Your Body: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get stronger.

Focus on Form: Pay attention to your posture and technique to maximize effectiveness and avoid injury.

Stay Motivated: Remember the goal you’re working towards and celebrate your achievements along the way.

By incorporating this workout into your fitness regimen, you’ll notice enhanced abdominal definition and an overall stronger core. Embrace the challenges, stay consistent, and you’ll be well on your way to the six-pack you’ve always dreamed of.

RECOMMEND — Drink THIS Before Bed, Melt Your Belly Fat Like Crazy:

